4 Easy Video Marketing Ideas For Real Estate Agents

90% of people state that video has helped them make a purchasing decision.

It’s no surprise then that vendors are more likely to instruct an estate agent who uses video. Yet, less than 10% of agents in the real estate industry are already doing so; this leaves a massive opportunity for the real estate agents willing to take their marketing efforts to new heights and incorporate video.

Blogs you should read: in depth ultimate guide to video marketing for estate agents

In this blog, we’ll explore 4 video marketing ideas for real estate agents that you can easily incorporate into your marketing plan.

1. Property Trailers

Purpose: Impress vendors / attract buyers / improve SEOType: Professional

Ideal Length: 1-2 minutes

Where to post: Social media / website / emails / Youtube

What to measure: Views / Clicks

Property trailers are professional videos for estate agents that showcase a property but also key, attractive features in the local area. These videos can include narration or text overlay making them more shareable and great for social media.

As these types of videos are professionally produced and edited, they are highly attractive to vendors. They ensure that you stand out against your competitors and give home sellers the impression of superior marketing that will get their house sold.

The same can be said for buyers. As property trailers provide a greater insight into a property and other key features such as proximity to transport or green spaces, buyers can more quickly get a sense of whether a property meets their needs. As a result, property trailers can attract more interest but also reduce wasted viewings.

Another great benefit of using video like a property trailer on your website is the effect on SEO. Using video on your website can have a positive impact on where you appear in Google search (and other search engines); agents should therefore include property trailers in the real estate listings on their website.

With the majority of vendors starting their search for an estate agent on Google, this an important reason to ensure video is in your marketing plan.

2. Case Study / Testimonial Videos

Purpose: Build trust with potential clients / Help convince to buy / SEOType: Can be done in house or professionally

Ideal Length: 60-90 seconds

Where to post: Website / pinned post on social media / email

What to measure: View through rate

A case study or testimonial video is a simple video where previous clients talk about their experience working with you. These types of videos are designed to show you in a true and positive light so that future customers are filled with confidence and more eager to instruct you.

You can learn more about the Sales Funnel here which shows you the journey a person goes on before making a final decision to buy from you. Case study videos help with the important middle part of this funnel. They help potential clients to trust you and move from consideration to final decision.

With trust being a major concern for buyers and sellers, this type of video is an important tool for estate agents.

Provided you have a high standard of filming equipment and a clear, professional space in which to film, it is possible for estate agents to film a case study or testimonial video themselves.

Like property trailers, embedding these videos on your website could have a positive impact on SEO and where you appear in the results when someone searches for an estate agent.

It’s a good idea to download our free Ultimate Guide To Real Estate Video Marketing ebook to learn more about how to plan and shoot videos if you are going to do it yourself.

3. Real Estate Webinars

Purpose: Capture leads, brand awareness, help to make final decisionType: Can be done in house or professionally

Ideal Length: 15-60 minutes

Where to post: Social media / paid ads / website / email

What to measure: Sign ups

A real estate webinar is a video (that can be shared live (using Facebook Live for example) or otherwise) where you essentially teach someone to do something. A good webinar will add a lot of value and provide answers/solutions to questions your target customer has. The webinar video will end however with a call to action inviting the viewer to instruct, buy or take some other action with you.

As a webinar offers so much value, it builds trust with viewers and helps them to see why they need you. Another great benefit of webinars is that you only grant access in exchange for contact details such as an email address. Provided the topic of your webinar is of interest, it’s a great tool for capturing hot, mostly qualified leads.

Webinars can quite easily be created in-house using software such as Webinarjam or GoToWebinar. Once planned/produced, they should be promoted on social media, via email and on your website. Savvy estate agents could also part answer a question on a Youtube video and invite people to join a webinar from there (as Youtube is the second most website after Google, this is a smart move).

4. Meet The Agency Video

Purpose: Brand awareness, trust, SEOType: Professional

Where to post: Pinned post on social media / website / targeted ads

What to measure: View through rate

A Meet The Agency video is essentially an “About Us”. It’s an introduction to your team and an insight into what you promise as a business. This makes these videos useful for building trust with vendors and helping to encourage them to want to work with you.

As a good Meet The Agency video will be professionally produced, it will immediately provide a strong and positive impression that separates you from your competitors.

As people are more likely to watch a video than read a large block of text, creating an About Us video for the homepage on your website is a smart move. It will allow you to get across your key selling points without having to rely on people taking the time to read something.

Using video on your homepage in this way can also be great for SEO. As people are more likely to watch the video than read something, it increases the time they spend on your page and Google rewards you for that.

A Meet The Agency video is also a great thing to use as a “pinned post” on social media pages such as Facebook. This means that the first post visitors to your profiles will see is your introduction video and get an immediate insight into whether you meet their needs without having to do extensive research for themselves.

You could also share your video in paid ads, especially if you are able to identify and target people who are ready to instruct.

Video marketing can be used at all stages of the sales funnel by boost; from increasing awareness to helping potential clients make the final decision to buy or take some other action with you. You can read more about the sales funnel for estate agents here.

More than 80% of businesses report that video has a positive ROI for them. Though it may seem new and challenging to get started, estate agents who want to continue to attract vendors and generate real estate leads in this digital marketing age must seriously consider how they can start incorporating video into their real estate marketing plans.

To talk to Focal about incorporating professional video content into your marketing plan, click here.

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