Want to sell properties 68% faster? Start using drone photography.

Drone photography has taken the world by storm, and the real estate market is no exception. In fact, one survey found that 83% of estate agents are interested in or already use drone photography.

Unsurprisingly, these numbers continue to rise, with agents constantly seeking new ways to separate themselves from the competition. This is consistent with what we’ve seen at FocalAgent, with more and more agents turning to drone photography to give themselves an edge.

After all, drone images present a dynamic and immersive experience. Not least because they provide a more comprehensive view of the property that traditional photos just can’t achieve.

Paul Davies, Managing Director of At Home Estate and Lettings Agency, says it best: 

‘Estate agency is about selling the dream and for the right property, drone video and photography helps to do that.’

So, with drone photography set to increase in prevalence, stick with us as we explain:

  • What drone photography is
  • The benefits of using drone photography in your property listing
  • How your estate agency can capitalise on this trend

Let’s dive in!

What is drone photography?

Simply put, drone photography is when a qualified drone photographer skillfully catches aerial images with a flying camera. The height empowers them to capture angles that would otherwise be impossible at ground level.

How can drone photography benefit estate agents?

High-quality drone photography elevates property listings, making the property you’re marketing more enticing. Namely, drone photos provide a unique perspective, allowing you to capture features that would otherwise be tricky to showcase. 

This is especially true of larger buildings, where capturing the entire property from a ground-floor angle is impossible. 

The same goes for properties with big gardens, swimming pools, extensive landscapes, and stunning views. Accentuating these hallmarks in their best possible light goes a long way to securing more viewings, which helps you sell faster (according to one study, up to 68% faster!)

Not only that, but with the estate agency market swelling by over 10% last year, you’ll know that the market is currently very competitive. So, the need for agents to differentiate their listings has never been greater. First-rate drone photography exudes professionalism, which helps you stand out as a forward-thinking agent. Ultimately, it’s these kinds of frills that separate you as a leading agency.

Drone photography compliance and regulation

Although drone photography is teeming with benefits for estate agents, it’s subject to regulations and permissions. So, you’ll need to ensure your aerial photography adheres to all the necessary stipulations. Following the Government’s advice is a good starting point.

Unfortunately, we don’t have time to explore everything you need to do to ensure compliance. However, it’s worth highlighting the privacy issues involved. For example, drones can inadvertently capture neighbouring properties and individuals without consent. 

It’s also important to check whether you’re operating in a restricted airspace. This is especially important if you’re shooting near an airport because capturing footage within these areas is illegal. Not least because it can cause a ‘person [to]… recklessly or negligently act in a manner likely to endanger an aircraft, or any person in an aircraft’, which can carry a ‘5-year prison sentence, an unlimited fine, or both’.

How can your estate agency start using drone photography?

Do you fancy harnessing the benefits of drone photography for your estate agency, but the legalities put you off? Or perhaps you don’t have the time or budget to train someone in-house to do the job? In either case, hiring a professional is your best bet.

This is where FocalAgent can lend a hand.

We’re the leading provider of drone photography services to UK estate agents. Our cutting-edge technology, unmatched knowledge, and dedication to compliance offer a level of excellence that sets us apart from the competition. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are just a few examples of the aerial images we’ve taken from 100+ metres above the ground.
We’re the leading provider of drone photography services to UK estate agents. Our cutting-edge technology, unmatched knowledge, and dedication to compliance offer a level of excellence that sets us apart from the competition. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are just a few examples of the aerial images we’ve taken from 100+ metres above the ground.

Are you ready to enhance your property listings with drone photography?

We hope that after reading this blog post, you have a better understanding of what drone photography is and how it could position your property listings in the best possible light to secure more viewings and make quicker sales. 

If that sounds good, contact FocalAgent today for more info on how we take breathtaking property photos that set your listings apart.

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