7 Useful Ways To Use Video Marketing For Real Estate Agents

Video marketing is among the most effective of all marketing tactics.

There is data to suggest that listings with video attract up to 403% more interest, 60% more qualified leads and 20% more clicks than other forms of marketing.

In today’s market, video marketing for real estate agents is a must.

It’s even reported that 73% of vendors are more likely to list with an agent that uses video in their marketing.

To get all the latest property marketing tips and tricks for attracting more vendors, click here.

Video marketing is effective at every part of the marketing funnel including raising awareness, building trust & arousing interest and helping someone to make a final decision to instruct you. Don’t forget to download a FREE copy of your Marketing Jargon Buster for Estate Agents for any definitions.

There are a number of things to consider when using video marketing including whether you will shoot the video yourself or use a professional property marketing agency but the primary thing to get right is: producing video that your target clients actually want to see.

These 7 video marketing ideas are some that estate agents should be able to implement and that will appeal to buyers and vendors.

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1. Point Of Interest Property Videos

Point of Interest trailers are real estate marketing videos that showcase the surrounding area that a property is located in; focusing on highly attractive features such as proximity to public transport, local amenities and access to green spaces. The video will also include key features & footage of the property itself.

If you have the equipment or work with a professional, these trailers can also incorporate drone footage which is very appealing to buyers and vendors also.

At Focal, we make Point of Interest property videos readily available to all our estate agents because they are appealing to buyers and help to answer some of their most pressing questions and vendors love the “going the extra mile” feel they give.

Whether you work with a professional video production company to produce Point of Interest trailers or do them yourselves, they are a great way to attract the right buyers and minimise wasted viewings that occur when buyers don’t have crucial facts about the location.

Point of Interest trailers can be added to the real estate listings on your website, used in social media and broadcast in email. As video, they tend to capture more attention and are more shareable.

2. How To Videos

How To videos are simple videos where you explain how to carry something out. For estate agents, these videos work very well if you use them to answer questions that your target clients wants to answer.

Examples might be “how to stage a property to sell faster” or “how to buy a house”. Videos answering these kinds of questions are extremely valuable and allow you build trust and likeability with those who watch it; particularly because people typically prefer to watch a video rather than read text.

How To videos that answer popular questions are also great for raising awareness of your estate agency. Video is very good for improving your SEO – that is they help search engines to rank your website more highly in search results.

This means that by using video in this way, there is a chance that your website will appear higher when someone searches for an answer to that question in Google – the higher it features in search, the more likely it is to be clicked upon.

How To videos don’t have to be overly complicated to produce. A good camera (possibly even a phone) should be used to shoot the video and you should make sure the sound is clear!

3. Case Studies & Testimonials

A survey recently showed that estate agents are the 5th least trusted profession in the UK. Finding an estate agent they can trust is a top priority for people when they are buying or planning to sell a house.

An example of a testimonial video

Video marketing in the form of case studies and testimonials can help separate you from your competitors on this point.

Case studies and testimonials are simple videos where past clients would share positive experiences and their recommendation of working with you. They should always be authentic and filmed with genuinely pleased customers.

4. Property Tours

A property tour video is a walk-through of your listing. Video tends to hold people’s attention much more than text which means using something like a property tour could keep potential buyers engaged for longer and make it easier for them to be “sold” on it.

Whilst professional property photography is still the feature buyers spend most of their time looking at, property tours can reduce wasted viewings as they give buyers a more in depth view of a property. A study of perspective buyers found that 51% of them said a video tour would be helpful to their property search.

As we’ve mentioned already, vendors could also be highly attracted to property tours with research showing that you are more likely to be instructed if you’re using video.

As only 9% of agents use video, incorporating property tours in your marketing could be the thing to really help you stand out, win more instructions and attract more of the right buyers.

5. Lists

Like how to videos, list videos can be really helpful to potential clients and great for helping you raise awareness so that when those people are ready to buy or sell, you are first in mind.

Example of a Lists video designed to promote going vegan

Lists should focus on key information people want or questions they need answered.

They could be anything from “10 reasons why first time home buyers should move to Reading” to “5 Things To Look Out For In A Buy To Let”.

As with all the video marketing ideas listed here, list videos can help to improve your SEO and boost your position in the search results on engines like Google.

6. Spotlight Local Businesses & Events

Most of your future client business is in your local area. This means that sharing information about local businesses and events could not only be valuable but also position you as a local expert.

These types of videos are great for the awareness part of your marketing campaigns but also a great way to increase your touch points with your potential clients. Touch points refer to the times you “touch” or come in front of people. As people don’t generally engage someone’s services on the first touch point, the more you can have, the better. Spotlight videos are a good reason for your agency to come in front of someone several times.

Spotlight video marketing could include sharing video of anything from a restaurant opening to local walking routes.

A great tip for your spotlight video marketing is to “tag” or mention the local businesses you’re commenting on. This not only makes them more likely to share them with their own followers but also they may be inclined to reciprocate in their own video marketing.

7.   Agent Q&A

Q&A videos are another great way of demonstrating your expertise and building trust and likeability with potential customers.

Agent Q&A can include answering popular questions that you often come across or you could invite people to ask their questions to be answered. Video marketing like this could be used on your website, on a platform like Youtube, Instagram Stories or even using Facebook / Instagram Live.

As with all video, the sound on your Q&A video should be clear and easy to hear as people are generally quite unforgiving of poor sound.

The stats are in and video marketing is effective at helping estate agents to attract and convert new clients. Visit our Content Marketing blog to learn how to use your video for maximum results once you’re recorded it!

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