Do your customers understand virtual viewings?

We all use the phrase virtual viewing but do we consider if the wider general public and our customers are familiar with what it means and the value of it.  Educating your potential customers via Social Media not only increases your brand exposure it also differentiates you from other agents.

We feel that it is valuable for agents to raise the awareness of the value of ‘virtual first’, not just during the current times of lockdown, but also moving forward.  It helps reduce unnecessary travel, which is greener,  is more convenient and less intrusive for the vendor.   Offering Smart Viewing also enables an escorted viewing; not all potential buyers are comfortable using a naked 360 tour on the portal and that approach precludes you from really bringing a property to life for a buyer beyond the listing information and be responsive to them if you feel other properties would be of interest to them.

By way of an example we thought we would share this link of a client using Smart Viewing advertising via Social Media posts the benefit and value of Smart Viewing and also within their pre Market Appraisal packs.

Customer promoting Smart Viewing to their customer

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