property photographer

Hiring a pro property photographer vs. DIY photos

If your estate agency wants to tighten its purse strings, you might be wondering when, if ever, it’s a good idea to shoot your own property photos. 

So, stick with us as we explore when agents should invest in a professional property photographer and, conversely, when taking your own photos might come in handy.

Let’s dive in!

When to consider DIY property photography

There are a few scenarios where taking your own property photos might seem preferable:

For example, you need to post a property listing quickly. In this instance, you might want complete control over your schedule. In other words, you don’t want to wait for an appointment with a professional photographer or rely on someone else’s availability. 

However, before heading out to shoot your client’s properties, ask yourself whether you have the photography skills to do the job justice. For instance, do you know anything about composition, angles, lighting, etc.? Such knowledge is vital for capturing photos that showcase your client’s properties in the best possible light. 

The last thing you want is to rush a property to market with a sloppy-looking listing. Not only is this terrible branding but there’s also a good chance your client will be none too satisfied – remember, vendors talk. Ensuring customers have an excellent experience is imperative for generating those all-important referrals.

Pro Tip: The time you save taking your own photos might then be wasted editing the images. The skills involved in editing property photos should not be underestimated. It’s an art that takes time and talent. So, without the right expertise, your pictures may look unprofessional.

Fortunately, there is a solution: PropertyBox.

For those who don’t know, FocalAgent also powers an AI-fuelled property marketing assistant, PropertyBox. 

PropertyBox transforms your property photos in seconds (even if they’re just taken on a smartphone!) All you have to do is upload the images, and we’ll automatically apply 27 photo enhancements, including HD upscaling, blue sky replacements, vertical correction, vertical adjustments, shadow boosting, colour enhancements, and more. 

We then return your new and improved property photos to you within minutes!

When to use professional property photography

In an ideal world, you would always opt for professional property photography. Not least because the quality is unparalleled. After all, professional photographers have the training, skills, and equipment to represent your client’s property at its best. 

On top of that, it’s worth remembering that professional property photos pay dividends. High-quality property visuals give you an edge over competing estate agents and are more likely to attract serious buyers willing to pay a pretty penny for the property you’re marketing. 

This is why investing in professional photography is all the more important if you’re selling high-value, luxury properties.

This isn’t just our opinion. The stats bear this out:

According to twentyci, agents selling properties using a FocalAgent marketing pack (i.e., professional photography and/or property visuals) are, on average:

  • 39.4% more likely to complete 
  • Achieve 1.63% higher than the selling price, delivering £5,982 more for your vendor

The bottom line: The old cliche is true – ‘Sometimes you have to spend money to make money,’ and investing in professional property photos isn’t an exception!

Hiring a pro property photographer vs. DIY photos: Which should you opt for?

We hope you now have a better idea of when to invest in professional photography and when DIY photos might do. 

Here are some of our final thoughts:

When making your decision, have the property value and your target market at the forefront of your mind. If you can only afford professional photography for some of your property listings, prioritise high-value clients – especially if you don’t have the photography skills or equipment to produce high-quality property visuals. 

After all, high-end clients will expect property visuals that reflect the calibre of their assets. Failure to meet said expectations will likely affect your brand and certainly won’t give you an edge over competitors. 

That said, lower-cost solutions like PropertyBox are available when professional photography isn’t an option; this software works wonders for enhancing property visuals to a better standard. 

That’s all from us!

If you’re considering hiring a professional property photographer, contact FocalAgent. We’re the UK’s leading visual content partner for estate agents and would love to help you produce first-rate property photos. Please feel free to arrange a callback today for more information!

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