Introducing HD Pro Photos

Have you ever switched from standard TV to High Definition and been blown away by the difference?

We’re always looking for new ways to create stand-out visual content that gives our agent partners the edge over their competitors, and for 2023 we’re excited to launch HD Pro Photos – a brand new service included in your subscription that applies HD TV magic to property marketing.

How does it work?

Currently in the final test phase, HD Pro Photos will be automatically applied to all FocalAgent property photography within just a few weeks, including shots taken by our Pro Network and those provided by agents for professional enhancement. Applied during postproduction using our powerful AI-driven technology, photos will be returned to agents in a matter of hours in stunning High Definition.

Is HD Pro Photos unique to FocalAgent?

Yes, this service is completely unique to us. Focal’s partner agents will benefit from the highest quality photos available on the market, ensuring their listings stand out even more against the competition and helping them win instructions, boost sales and achieve a higher price.

Aerial photography in HD

Making use of our aerial photography services in High Definition will elevate listings to an entirely new level. Stunning external shots from a higher angle, using either an elevated pole at a height of 6 metres or a drone at up to 120m above the ground, combined with the extraordinary quality of HD Pro, will instantly grab the attention of buyers and sellers.

Build your market share

Agents will work harder to get instructions and sell properties this year, but those who are proactive will take advantage of changing conditions to grow bigger and faster than those who fail to adapt. Exquisite photography will be a big differentiator, so build your business and market share by ensuring your listings benefit from the highest possible quality photography.

Contact us to find out more.

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